Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Its Spring!

Hey Artisans! Today was officially the first day of spring. And what better way to celebrate the beginning of a new season than to get into the mood with some music that recognizes all of the key aspects of spring, flowers, clear skies, and sunshine.

I think that the perfect way to bring in this new season is by watching this perfect, psychedelic, and colorful video for the song "I Met You", by Anna Lunoe & Flume. This song just makes me want to go outside and dance in the sun! Hopefully this new season brings new adventures and happy times for all of you artisans out there!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Necessities

Spring Necessities
Shirt~Asos; Lipstick~MAC; Belt, Bag & Necklace~Zara; Bracelets~Nordstrom;
Headband~Asos Marketplace (Tell me if you want a DIY); Jeans~American Eagle; Shoes~Steve Madden

Hey artisans! These are my spring necessities so far, these are all things that I have come across in the last few weeks, some are dream items, some I just purchased, and some I have yet to buy. I am not really going to Coachella however (I WISH!), but it tied in nicely with the theme of spring and the music festival type of vibe. Spring break is right around the corner (it may have just ended for some of you guys) but it will be getting hotter soon, and what better way to celebrate the coming of a new season than with new clothes right?
The Young Artisan 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Style Vloggers

During my free time I like to go on Youtube and check out some of the beauty and style vloggers for some ideas on how to wear certain things, makeup and hair tutorials, and more. It is hard to find a good youtuber for you since there are so many for each race and skin color. So here is a list that will definatley have a beauty vlogger that you like and can take style tips from.

Michelle Phan helped me begin using makeup, she was the first beauty vlogger that I ever watched on Youtube and she is my inspiration.

With her bubbly personality and innocence she is ideal for any young teen interested in makeup and other beauty products.
Always trying to incorporate colorful hues, she makes any tutorial fun and attention grabbing while still reasonable for everyday wear.
She is so funny and outgoing, she loves to include a lot of colorful DIYs and helpful videos that also are a means of entertainment.
When I found her I was so excited because I finally found a women of color that did tutorials professionally and made everything look well together.
This girl is a great role model, she has done a lot of things in her lifetime, all while looking fashionable at the same time.
Another dark skinned beauty guru that I look up to is Liz, she has the most amazing hairstyles ever.
Both Elle and her sister, Blair have an awesome eye for beauty.

I love her closet and her shoe collection, most amazing one I have seen yet.
She is really good with doing makeup tutorials based on stars nowadays and she always comes up with fun tutorials to become characters that we grew up knowing about such as Ariel or Pocahontas.
  • Rachel: rclbeauty nitraab niasays allthingsbyalli glamtwins ulovemegs misslbailey dolly bow bow thatsheart whats in my bag

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Summers finally here guys! I graduate on Friday and now I am free. During this time I like to stay up late, blast my music, visit my hometown, chill with friends and admire the beauty that comes with summer! Im so excites for upcoming events and what summer eill bring me. Chilly summer nights are usually spent on the roof of our old jeep, listening to summer tunes and watching the stars and fireflies, it might sound corny, but it's relaxing. So what do you guys intend to do with your summer! I think that I might start doing summer DIY projects once I get some cash, so look forward to that an enjoy your summer!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Hey guys, I know its been about a week and a half but I'm sorry, this post will make up for it though.

Okay, well today is a really ugly day and I've just been finishing end of the year projects and listening to music, plus texting some very important people that have recently just entered my life. This is the last week of my eighth grade year and I dont think that I have quite grasped the fact that after this week, I probably wont be seeing most of these people again. You see, I am moving back to my old town because this one is not where I belong, I mean, I have friends and everything but I belong in my hometown and thats where I want to spend my high school years, I already "wasted" my last two years in this new school but thats not the reason that I've decided to write this post and title it "Tomorrow".

The point of this post is to seriously talk to you guys about looking towards the bright side. I mean even if the day seems rainy and gloomy, you just have to remember that the sun will shine again and that a rainbow will always follow.


I've been watching the "Pursuit of Happiness" in class, and from it, I have gathered that sometimes things might not go your way, but you just have to stick to your goal and work harder and you will reach that sunshine. The obstacles that you face do not have the strength that you do.


Now, your sunshine may not be as bright as someone elses but that does not matter, as long as you are happy, nothing else does. Your hopes for your future and what tomorrow might bring may just help you get through these tough times, trials and tribulations in your life. I started to think about this when I listened to a cover of "Tomorrow" from Annie on youtube, it was my inspiration for this post.

(two of my fav movies lol)
My mom says that looking forward to tomorrow is unneccessary when you can just make today better and live in the present, but sometimes, you just need to look towards the future in order to forget about the tough times of the present day (like that disney movie about the Robinsons)!
The cover is by this singer that I just found out about named Tori Kelly and she is really good, check her out.

Always look on the bright side!
Look forward to tomorrow, but remember to live in today!
The Young Artisan

Friday, June 1, 2012

Jumping Into A Relationship

Okay guys, I'm going to be serious for a minute. Do not be too boy crazy. Yes, its fun to be like "Ooh gurrrl, hes cute." and be like "He's gonna be my hubby in a minute." (which nobody actually says haha, but its for example's sake), but sometimes it gets out of hand. Just because you sort of have a history of saying hi in the hallways does not mean your sole mates. And I'm not talking about someone that you have a crush on and just never worked up enough nerve to say anything else but hello. I am talking about someone that you barely know. For example, someone that you just met and that found out your name recently. Dont go claiming that you love them or even have a crush on them because you dont know them, not personally, you havent even gotten the time to make any emotional ties. They usually end up like these stupid status symbols.
This is why I dont agree with most middle school and especially elementary school relationships. I am not pushing them all off, I'm just saying that most of them  are superficial. They are just "hey in the hallway" relationships with the title of dating, unless there are those exceptions where they actually like each other, have a real communication, know things about each other that you guys have learned through that communication, and actually have an interest in actually going on a date, which most people in middle school dont.

 Some relationships however are real, for example, my friend Shannon is smart and she met a smart guy named Ty, they were awesome together. They dated for months and went on real dates, she even introduced him to her parents and they went to NYC together. Now that was a real relationship, and when people found out, they were surprised that their relationship was legit and wasnt just a title given to two people for the 'long' span of two weeks. Now I am also not saying that they should all be as serious as that, because once again, we are only teenagers and preteens, but they should have some structure behind them.
So, here's my call to action girls, before you decide to go out with a guy that you barely know, just for the status of being in a relationship, learn something about him, talk to him, develop a real relationship based off of conversation and make sure you like this guy before you waste your time on someone that you dont know and someone that you are not sure if you are compatable with. Most importantly, remember that teenage years are for experimenting with different types of people in order to find out what you like.
In fact, in order to help you guys, send in your dating advice or any other advice through my email located in the Contact section.
Stay Beautiful!
Stay true to yourself!
The Young Artisan

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Inspirational Pics

Hey guys, this is just a bunch of random photos that I found on Facebook that inspire me.
We need to stop frowning and start seeing the best in the world, our situation, our surroundings, our friends, ourselves, our family, and everything that happens to us. We need to turn those frowns upside down (haha at the cliche).
You should only change yourself for you, change how you look for yourself, and change how you act to better yourself and your situation. Change your look if you feel as if you have to make a change to yourself to change yourself, so that your look can match your change in personality. As Kevin Hart brilliantly put it "Do You Boo-Boo!" Just be yourself, all of the time, dont change for anyone but yourself.
"boys really dont understand how it is not a real compliment to call a girl sexi instead of beautiful, trying to explain it to tae rite noow..."
I wrote that on my Facebook wall about two weeks ago. Tae is my brother and he just does not get it. I was listening to "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction <3 and i was singing it, he was just like, they are gay and they are lame. I was like, So, its lame to have over 148 million girls confidence in themselves raise in exactly 3 minutes and 27 seconds? 
(...sorry, I just had to have this picture...)
Its gay to have thousands of girls throw themselves at you everyday because they know how to talk to girls? If anything, you should follow their message and start calling girls beautiful, because it does not matter what you say, every girl is beautiful and deserves to hear it. 
Which in reply, he just stared off in the distance, sucked his teeth, and started texting his ex which he calls the "Horse-faced Hoe". Guys need to get a clue, before the mystery is solved by a smarter, more attentive guy, that used the clue to solve the puzzles that are girls.
Girl Power!
We are beautiful creatures.
Flaunt your beauty but do not be conceited.
You should stay beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.
Wait for the right guy to come, or whatever your interested in.
Stay Beautiful!
Young Artisan