Friday, June 1, 2012

Jumping Into A Relationship

Okay guys, I'm going to be serious for a minute. Do not be too boy crazy. Yes, its fun to be like "Ooh gurrrl, hes cute." and be like "He's gonna be my hubby in a minute." (which nobody actually says haha, but its for example's sake), but sometimes it gets out of hand. Just because you sort of have a history of saying hi in the hallways does not mean your sole mates. And I'm not talking about someone that you have a crush on and just never worked up enough nerve to say anything else but hello. I am talking about someone that you barely know. For example, someone that you just met and that found out your name recently. Dont go claiming that you love them or even have a crush on them because you dont know them, not personally, you havent even gotten the time to make any emotional ties. They usually end up like these stupid status symbols.
This is why I dont agree with most middle school and especially elementary school relationships. I am not pushing them all off, I'm just saying that most of them  are superficial. They are just "hey in the hallway" relationships with the title of dating, unless there are those exceptions where they actually like each other, have a real communication, know things about each other that you guys have learned through that communication, and actually have an interest in actually going on a date, which most people in middle school dont.

 Some relationships however are real, for example, my friend Shannon is smart and she met a smart guy named Ty, they were awesome together. They dated for months and went on real dates, she even introduced him to her parents and they went to NYC together. Now that was a real relationship, and when people found out, they were surprised that their relationship was legit and wasnt just a title given to two people for the 'long' span of two weeks. Now I am also not saying that they should all be as serious as that, because once again, we are only teenagers and preteens, but they should have some structure behind them.
So, here's my call to action girls, before you decide to go out with a guy that you barely know, just for the status of being in a relationship, learn something about him, talk to him, develop a real relationship based off of conversation and make sure you like this guy before you waste your time on someone that you dont know and someone that you are not sure if you are compatable with. Most importantly, remember that teenage years are for experimenting with different types of people in order to find out what you like.
In fact, in order to help you guys, send in your dating advice or any other advice through my email located in the Contact section.
Stay Beautiful!
Stay true to yourself!
The Young Artisan

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