Thursday, May 31, 2012

Inspirational Pics

Hey guys, this is just a bunch of random photos that I found on Facebook that inspire me.
We need to stop frowning and start seeing the best in the world, our situation, our surroundings, our friends, ourselves, our family, and everything that happens to us. We need to turn those frowns upside down (haha at the cliche).
You should only change yourself for you, change how you look for yourself, and change how you act to better yourself and your situation. Change your look if you feel as if you have to make a change to yourself to change yourself, so that your look can match your change in personality. As Kevin Hart brilliantly put it "Do You Boo-Boo!" Just be yourself, all of the time, dont change for anyone but yourself.
"boys really dont understand how it is not a real compliment to call a girl sexi instead of beautiful, trying to explain it to tae rite noow..."
I wrote that on my Facebook wall about two weeks ago. Tae is my brother and he just does not get it. I was listening to "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction <3 and i was singing it, he was just like, they are gay and they are lame. I was like, So, its lame to have over 148 million girls confidence in themselves raise in exactly 3 minutes and 27 seconds? 
(...sorry, I just had to have this picture...)
Its gay to have thousands of girls throw themselves at you everyday because they know how to talk to girls? If anything, you should follow their message and start calling girls beautiful, because it does not matter what you say, every girl is beautiful and deserves to hear it. 
Which in reply, he just stared off in the distance, sucked his teeth, and started texting his ex which he calls the "Horse-faced Hoe". Guys need to get a clue, before the mystery is solved by a smarter, more attentive guy, that used the clue to solve the puzzles that are girls.
Girl Power!
We are beautiful creatures.
Flaunt your beauty but do not be conceited.
You should stay beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.
Wait for the right guy to come, or whatever your interested in.
Stay Beautiful!
Young Artisan

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Nice blog! Follow mine!
