Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Plans for Upcoming New Season!

Hey guys, I know that it has been a really long time since I last posted but I absolutely swear to you that I will start posting about every other day if not daily to catch you guys up on some things. First of all, I am planning on adding a review column on the blog for books that I've read, tv shows that are out, and new movies, since I am going to be having a lot of free time during the summer and am able to read a book in a day. I am also thinking about doing a series of DIY projects for clothes and accessories because I love them (let it be known that I am talking about accessories) and just videos explaining my favorite places to go in NYC and things that I do on a daily basis. I promise it will be interesting-if not the place, then the people that I am with. I want to be able to do fashion hauls this summer too, I think it would be a great way to experiment and change my look, update you guys to the latest styles, because I may have a connection or two to the fashion industry and just get opinions on different pieces. I can set up a lookbook account, polyvore, pinterest, and bloglovin so that you can see whats goin' on and hype Young Artisan. I will also be setting up a twitter, tumblr and possibly a facebook page for the blog so that we can keep in touch even when I am not blogging. That would be great for an easier interaction with you guys! You can meet my friends and hopefully there might be a summer online lookbook video/catalog and/or a some skits, parodys and tutorials if it is decided upon. Well, just remember, these are all plans and may not happen but are definitely possibilities. You guys inspire me to do these things and even think about these things that would be impossible without your help. I will however promise to do book reviews because I feel as if I have to tell at least one person about the awesome books that I read, and why not tell you. I will probably start filming videos as soon as I figure out a place to shoot them, maybe a room of my own (that I dont have)...

Okay then! Thats all I wanted to say for today, oh and that if anyone would like to make a drawing to be the icon for the blog or the top picture for the blog's header, please submit it to and I might just start picking the fotm or fotw or fotd (fan of the day) based on the comments that I recieve and how funny they are and choosing interesting photographs to feature on the blog(which will include my photography and sometimes poetry), and a couple of contest winners that will recieve a Dijahni Bag. Well I know that that last paragraph made no sense at all but if you have any questions or suggestions just comment or email me at

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
The Young Artisan

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