Saturday, May 12, 2012

Once Upon A Time (spoilers)

Once Upon a Time is one of the newer ABC television shows. It is the continuous story describing how a curse was put on the town of Storybrooke (Story Book-get it??) and the towns inhabitants are really fairy tale characters from the stories that everyone has heard of as a child. Emma, a lonesome cop is found by the young son that she gave up for adoption and told to come to Storybrooke. Emma comes with him to form a relationship with her son, Henry, while he tries to convince her that she is a powerful child of Prince Charming and Snow White, who's destiny is to break the curse off of all of the fairy tale characters and make the clock start moving again. Henry believes that his adoptive mother is the evil queen and that she put the curse on the town in order to get back at Snow for "killing her one and only true love" which in fact, Snow White did not do. This series mixes fantasy with modern day problems and is an interesting mix of moral teaching vs what you believe and what is legally correct. I love this series and watch it the episodes several days after it comes out (On Sundays) on Hulu (the best place to watch tv shows that you have missed).
I wanted to talk about the latest episode before the next one comes out tomorrow (Sunday, May 12-By the way HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!) The most recent episode that aired is called "An Apple Red As Blood". During the episode (SPOILER ALERT), Regina, the evil queen, is trying to find a way to get rid of Emma in order to prevent her from believing in the curse and ending it with her "powers" (that nobody seems to know what they do or how to use them). Emma is confused by all of the people that remember the curse telling her that it is her duty to save them and tries to run away with Henry, but then thinks better of it and tries to gain custody, which everyone seems to vote against, and then she resorts to leaving Storybrooke, but she invites Henry over in order to say goodbye and he ends up being so dedicated to lifting the curse that he would eat the "apple" turnover that was made of the poison apple known for putting Snow White in her infamous "coma", made by his evil mother. The turnover was made as a false sign of a peaceful end to their constant warring fueds and arguements but ended up being an attempt to get rid of Emma and the power that came with her presence.
Tomorrow is the season finale and first I just wanted to say....awww....Henry feel better. Emma better start believing in herself, her son and the power that she possessess because without her, nobody in Storybrooke survives. Tune in to the season finale of Once Upon A Time on Sunday at eight o'clock on ABC!

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
The Young Artisan

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