Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Me and my mom, only picture where we kinda look related lol

This post is dedicated to my mother, Love You Mom!
My mother is soo special to me, without her I would be nothing, nobody, and nowhere. I would not be motivated to get good grades, nor would I have had the idea to start blogging. I would not have known all the important things that make me who I am today. I would be blind to the harsh realities of this world. My future would not have just been lost, it would have never even been thought possible because if I didn't have my mother, I wouldn't have a motivator, a helper, a teacher, guidance, or inspiration.
I'm pretty sure I take my mother for granted. She is such a giving person, always trying to think of a way to live her life in this world and better someone else's in the process. She may have an angry side to her, but when she does yell, its always about important stuff, never just yelling to be yelling. My momma is so smart and conservative, she expects the best from her kids and herself. She starts many businesses and has faith that they will become something huge one day. She does so much, including work, raise 5 kids (even though she really only has two-shes just a nice person and wanted to get some kids out of the group homes), plan her own wedding (my mom likes what she likes and doesn't expect anyone else to plan something that is going to be such a big moment in her life), take extra courses, and run like 5 different businesses. She is so dedicated and has never even considered giving up on her wide variety of projects and packed agenda. My mother is such a great person.
My mom and my sister!
If you have a great mom, make sure you tell her. Tell her that you love her, and appreciate everything that she does for you. Tell her that she is your role model and that she inspires you to better yourself, your situation, your outlook on things, or your life in general. And if you happen to not have a mother around, tell this to a female guardian of some sort, a teacher, a counselor, your doctor, your aunt, your grandparent, because even though they are not your parent they still influence you in positive ways and look out for you!
Happy Mother's Day!
Love You Mom!
May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!
The Young Artisan

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