Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Directioners vs Directionators

Hey guys! Today I am gonna be addressing a very serious topic, One Direction <3. I just found out about them about a month ago, and no hate, but this whole war between Directioners and Directionators is just plain stupid. Who cares? I didnt know about them when they made Torn but I know about Torn and I know just as much about them as the "Directioners" claim that they do and you could easily call me a "Directionator". We both can love them equally, why are we looking at the differences between the time when we found out about the group? Instead of making the top comments on youtube about how all "Directionators are fake" we should be talking about how great the boys sound. 
They are soo great that there arent proper words to explain the effect that they have had on my life and my opinion of myself, how I present myself and my self confidence. One Direction boosts my self esteem and helps me believe in what the future may bring and to love every oppurtunity that comes my way and just have fun and appreciate it. They tell me to look for the best in people and how sometimes it is important to just pretend that something is not wrong just so you dont put your negativity on other people.
 I LOVE ONE DIRECTION AND I AM SO PROUD OF THAT! I may not have known about them long and I may not have ever seen them, and I may not have voted for them on the X-factor and I might not know who likes carrots and what the boys have to do with stairs or hoodies, even though I do, but that doesnt matter because I am a fan and they are my band, my group, my boys and my one direction to lead me to the right path, and that does not just apply to me. That applies to EVERYONE. 

So screw the whole division between the One Direction fans, it does not matter if you've known about some of the members before they even started as a group, if you were a fan of White Eskimo, if your black or white, a boy or girl, gay or straight, old or young, or from America or Britain. Everyone should join together to promote the band and help them prosper and motivate them to make more music and keep their image clean, and promote good principles because they know what their fans want and they spread good messages and are highly influencial in today's society of insecure, lonely, depressed girls who need some inspriation, guidance, motivation, and happiness. Spread the love, guys. Do not just hear the music, hear the beautiful message that comes out of the beautiful words from the beautiful group because they really are a special group.
These gifs and pics are all ones that I found on Deviantart...

The Young Artisan

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